Needing a Family Law Attorney?
Smith and Shipley, Attorneys at Law, located in Beaumont, Texas, are both Board Certified Attorneys in Family Law serving 11 counties in Southeast Texas. Family law refers to legal matters relating to marriage, divorce, legal separation, child custody and support, alimony (spousal support), adoption and other related issues. At one time or another, almost everyone will have a family law matter they will need settled with proper representation. As family law matters involve more than just money, it is important to have a family law attorney who will give you the best legal advice possible. Our law firm has the experience you want on your side and the knowledge about matters of law to handle anything you need legal represenatation for concerning you and your children. Smith and Shipley Attorneys at Law has the team ready to help you win your Family Law case, so call us for an appointement at 409-899-1046.

Texas Board Certified Family Law Attorneys

Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Lawyers offer comprehensive, reliable solutions and services. Its services encompass a broad legal spectrum, catering to leading international clients across the globe. When you are looking for a Divorce Lawyer who has the experience.Smith and Shipley are the lawyers who are experienced.

Legal separation

Legal separation includes the equivalent to alimony and child support, but is distinguished from the effects of a divorce and is usually achieved through a “motion pending litigation” and it’s a court order that mandates the rights and duties of a couple while they are still married, but living apart; in a divorce, the spouses are no longer married.

Child Custody

When you need a divorce decree amendment for your child due to changes in employment, want more visitation, or need anything else changed for any reason. Smith and Shipley are the lawyers who are experienced and tough when needed to get your child what they deserve.


Adoption is the termination of the parental rights of a child’s birth parents.This is a legal process involving a court hearing during which a judge issues a decree that permanently ends all legal parental rights of a birth parent to a child. This must occur before a child is considered to be legally free for adoption.
Call Smith & Shipley today at409-899-1046