Need a Child Welfare Law Attorney?
Smith and Shipley, Attorneys at Law, located in Beaumont, Texas, are the Child Welfare Law Attorneys you want defending you as a parent and/or family member finding yourselves in need of legal representation due to an issue involving Child Protective Services. This agency handles cases where a concerned person calls in and reports child abuse or neglect of a child or group of children where they live. Whether it is their biological parents, grandparents, a relative, a foster home or anywhere the child lives, CPS is the agency who opens a case and determines whether the child or children are in danger. When Child Protective Services gets involved, you need legal representation so you have professionals who know the law and understand how to best handle the case in the court of law. Whether your situation is a misunderstanding or a legitimate claim of child abuse, having the right child welfare lawyer who is experienced handling these types of cases is a must. If you are a parent or a family member of a child who needs representation, Smith and Shipley, Attorneys at Law, are the child welfare law attorneys you want on your side, so call 409-899-1046.